Final Opening Sequence


Sunday, March 28, 2010

5) How did you attract/address your audience?

In order to attract our audience, we used a variety of techniques. These included:

• Choosing a genre popular with the audience

• Following conventions

The teenage and young adult audience are the widest audience and a genre very popular amongst them is horror which is why we chose to make an opening sequence of this genre.

Above is one of the questions we asked in our questionnaire during out film screening. The majority ticked the horror and thriller boxes showing that these are the most popular genres amongst this audience.

We aimed to focus on audience pleasures and fears.

In horror films, audiences like to experience emotions such as fear and confusion. We focused more on confusion in our opening and the idea of not knowing. By this, we hoped to gain audiences attention in order for them to want to know more and be able to understand.

Our main character was of our target audience so this enabled our audience to interact and engage with our character as they could relate to her, therefore appealing to our audience further.