Final Opening Sequence


Sunday, March 28, 2010

2) How does your media product represent particular social groups?

In our opening sequence, we only introduce one character.

   She represents youth and other people of similar age. She has just come home from a night out, typical of people her age, who are mainly students and so would normally spend their evenings out. She is dressed for a party with styled hair and makeup. She comes home and looks in the mirror to fix her hair and makeup which is a clear representation of other girls her age who like to make sure they look good. After this, she goes to her fridge and goes to drink some wine. This could represent youth culture and their link with drinking alcohol.


In most horror films, it is usually the female who is victimised so here she is represented as being the victim

Also, in our opening sequence, we can see a connection between her and her friend on the phone. Her friend has left her worrying messages which immediately begin to concern her and so she gets up to go help. This is very typical of girls to have a close friendship.