Final Opening Sequence


Sunday, October 4, 2009

Accident Sequence Evaluation

What works about your sequence?

Overall, in our sequence, we have good individual shots such as the close up of the girls talking. We also had a variety of shots for example a long shot, low angle and close up. We didn't jump from a long shot into a close up as we aimed to keep the sequence flowing and able to maintain audiences. Also the sound effect works well of the boy hitting his head.

What doesn't work about your sequence?

Overall, when you put the shots together, despite not having a huge difference between the angles, the flow of the sequence was fairly poor. The shot of the two girls didn't tie in and didn't look like it was from the boy's perspective which was our aim. We also didn't have an establishing shot to set the scene and show where the characters were in perspective of eachother. Also the first two shots of the boy walking don't fit together as it looks like the boy has travelled backwards as we didn't quite get the continuity right.

How would you change your storyboard to make your sequence make sense?

If i were to storyboard this sequence again, i would begin with an establishing shot of the whole location so you could see where all the characters were. The story behind our sequence was that the boy had the accident because he was concentrating on the girls rather than where he was walking however this could have been made much clearer by adding in an over the shoulder shot of the boy so you could tell he was looking at the girls whilst he was walking.

What did you learn from doing this activity?

From doing is activity, i learnt that when filming a sequence there are lots of things you have to take into consideration in order to make the sequence flow such as the rules of continuity. I also realised the importance of a storyboard as this helps you plan and also makes you able to see what you can alter.